Saturday, October 3, 2020

Unalike Love of the Earth

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh (Malay Language writing for arabic translated English Peace be upon you, as well as the mercy of God and His blessings).

In this world, practically saying our planet Earth, where 7.8 Billion people lived in, as of October 2020 counts, there are also 7.8 billions variations of individuals. No such thing as the same person, same personality, traits, gender would live at the same time. Even the identical twins would have so many difference like their thumb print, favourites colors or even their personality would be so different too. It is very rare and never have been recorded, so I heard. 

That variations and difference in each individual is something unique which was created. Some people hardly able to tolerate with each others' difference. While, some other peoples can click easily. This is one of the questions with no easy answer. It is what's inside and perhaps nature businesses too that making the response, but one thing for sure, it is up to that particular individual how to accept and how to react.

I'm pulling out this thing from my mind here because I just couldn't brain (our informal way of saying cannot think/digest/process the things that's happening) why some people have such difficulties. If we are not agreed with some people, instead of facing him/her and trying to tell them our frustrations or trying to fix things up, we would rather not communicate but trying to 'show faces' or react unnecessarily to the situations which resulted to worst event. I don't want to dish the dirt as I'm trying to keep the story to myself but just the idea of not telling the truth when you feel like it or keeping it to yourself until it has gone really bad that it will eat you up definitely make things worst.

If we don't agree with anyone, there will always be a solution doesn't matter who the person is. Here are some list of steps how to talk to them or how to deal with them in case you ever face such situations. But remember, first thing first, do not avoid them especially if it is someone that YOU NEED to communicate daily like your boss/manager. You will end up lose the job for sure!

1. Check Your Inside

Know your feeling, if you don't like the person, there must be a reason to it. Is it because of him/her or is it because of yourself, so once you acknowledged the feeling, it is easy for you to accept that and it is okay not to like the person. If you dislike him/her, you must have you own reason, and that doesn't make you a bad person, and positively thinking it doesn't mean they are either. Maybe it's just that you couldn't agree on the same thing.

2. Professional vs Personal

This is the 2 Ps that always comes in my mind, Professional & Personal relationship with the others. Both are important and have to give their own space. Professional relationship is like being respectful, know your level, who the other person is, who you are and what should the other person expect or get from you and what you should give them. Know your boundaries. While on the other hand, for personal relationship it comes from basic human needs like love, connection and belonging. If you don't feel that for him or her then that's fine. Same if you feel like he/she don't feel that way, that's fine too. We don't take personally, if that happened, because professionally, the relationship still exist and we still respect the other person. Know your relationship with the other person, so you can know how to react to him/her.

3. Talk it Out

If let say the situations has come to the need for you to let it out to him/her, let say because they have annoyed you in some ways. Back to the above points, professionally, there always solutions to that, if let say any harm done or harassment, then there must be any rule in place to go through like if it is at work involving your workplace and colleagues, you can always go to your HR or the top management. If it is involved family members, you can bring to your dad for example if it involves your brother. Or any other person that can help. If not, we always have authorities like here in Malaysia we have LPPKN, also known as National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFDB) where they will take action for any harm done that involves family matter. If it is your neighbour then you can report to JKKK, or The Village Development and Security Committees and they will take up to the Police or any authority involves for action to be taken. Hence, know that nothing is unsolvable in this world. Of course first thing first we talk to the person and let him/her know and try to fix the problem domestically before we go to the authority as that would be our last choice. We don't want others came back and saying.. "Ahh.. You go through all this hassle to report just because you tired to feed the cat as your brother doesn't do that huh??" :P

4. Happiness Is Yours

You control your own happiness and you choose what is the outcome over any situations. Most of the time, if it is really other peoples that creating the problem which you cannot think of the reason why for example and can't accept their thinking, you could just walk away if you need to. Don't give them attention, change your focus to other things that matter. It might somehow will improve the situations, who knows. At the end of the day, you and your feeling that matters most.

That's all from me this time and I hope we could all accept the differences, like for me I like that very much. I don't judge people quickly and i just love meeting new peoples, it's like arts to me. All people have different colors and personalities and auras too. All that will make up the beauty of our daily life. Bringing them together, it will create a perfect and colourful world indeed. I wish everyone can see that too. 

Spread love, not hatred. <3

"Just love everyone, I'll sort 'em out later" :p

Unalike Love of the Earth

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh (Malay Language writing for arabic translated English  Peace be upon you, as well as the me...