Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, everyone on planet earth! We've made it to 2010.

I wonder if there's anything awaits me this year. I wish I could have a peek into the future, which I know is impossible. I guess, we just don't have that kind of Alice Cullen power. Predicting future is just a fiction. It's okay though. Live on. Make a mistake. Be responsible to it. Then our life would be Just Perfect as the way it is.

2010 Whole Year Planner would be:
January - Complete all pending tasks, preparing for a new position abroad!
February - Arriving in Houston, Texas, on-job-training
March - Still be on Training, get depressed I guess :P
April - Final month on Training, getting more depressed and really excited to go back Hometown
May - Should be finishing my training and going back hometown. 'Not going back for good, I'm sure'
June - Enjoy my life!
July- I presume I'll be in Scotland + Houston for another training.
August to December - My life as an offshore person.. 5 weeks offshore, 5 weeks home (I hope they'll not withdraw my leisure time)

My Wish-List..
Acquire myself Swimming Skill (more like skill polishing) and Cooking Skill,
Drop weight to 58-60 kg,
Get an iPhone,

I guess that's all for now.. And
"Don't count your chicken until they hatch" which means don't rely on it until you sure of it.
Yeah.. I'll start to put an idiom per post afterwards.. cool~
Happy New Year~

First is the start of everything.

Assalamualaikum.. Peace be upon all of you~

This first post should be the start of everything.. I just deleted my other Blog and will be using this Blog from now on. My plan on this Blog is simply sharing my thoughts where I can express all my feelings and anything to anyone who reach on this page. =) Lacking of consistency in Blogging is caused by my numbness. Writing a Blog and having one is normally for those who should have many ideas in their mind and they wanted to express it. Of course there's also more to it. 

As my 2010 new years' wish, I wanted to be more consistent in writing this Blog. I'll try to write frequently. Not for others but myself. I have known to myself for so long that I had always wanted to be a writer one day, and the first step I thought I should start is by writing a Blog like this to practice my writing skills and just write, write and write. It wasn't easy I know indeed, just look at my writing quality here, right now. But I'm sure I know I will get it 'there' somehow.

Idea of writing came when I was thinking about my future self. "What should I do when I got an offer as a full-time housewife, raising kids at home? Will I just let the day goes by or will I do any other things than a full-time housewife will be doing at all (Not that I really know what will they be doing at this point)". While thinking about the answer to that, first thing came to my mind of course it will be to improve my writing skills. I want to write a book. I want to use this medium to spread happiness, awareness and consciousness. The are billions of things I could touch from, it could be informative to help others, It could also be inspiring too, or even something to reflect upon, but I know and I hope for sure it will benefited others and what is more to our life than to be a person who gives benefit to others.

Unalike Love of the Earth

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh (Malay Language writing for arabic translated English  Peace be upon you, as well as the me...