Saturday, October 3, 2020

Unalike Love of the Earth

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh (Malay Language writing for arabic translated English Peace be upon you, as well as the mercy of God and His blessings).

In this world, practically saying our planet Earth, where 7.8 Billion people lived in, as of October 2020 counts, there are also 7.8 billions variations of individuals. No such thing as the same person, same personality, traits, gender would live at the same time. Even the identical twins would have so many difference like their thumb print, favourites colors or even their personality would be so different too. It is very rare and never have been recorded, so I heard. 

That variations and difference in each individual is something unique which was created. Some people hardly able to tolerate with each others' difference. While, some other peoples can click easily. This is one of the questions with no easy answer. It is what's inside and perhaps nature businesses too that making the response, but one thing for sure, it is up to that particular individual how to accept and how to react.

I'm pulling out this thing from my mind here because I just couldn't brain (our informal way of saying cannot think/digest/process the things that's happening) why some people have such difficulties. If we are not agreed with some people, instead of facing him/her and trying to tell them our frustrations or trying to fix things up, we would rather not communicate but trying to 'show faces' or react unnecessarily to the situations which resulted to worst event. I don't want to dish the dirt as I'm trying to keep the story to myself but just the idea of not telling the truth when you feel like it or keeping it to yourself until it has gone really bad that it will eat you up definitely make things worst.

If we don't agree with anyone, there will always be a solution doesn't matter who the person is. Here are some list of steps how to talk to them or how to deal with them in case you ever face such situations. But remember, first thing first, do not avoid them especially if it is someone that YOU NEED to communicate daily like your boss/manager. You will end up lose the job for sure!

1. Check Your Inside

Know your feeling, if you don't like the person, there must be a reason to it. Is it because of him/her or is it because of yourself, so once you acknowledged the feeling, it is easy for you to accept that and it is okay not to like the person. If you dislike him/her, you must have you own reason, and that doesn't make you a bad person, and positively thinking it doesn't mean they are either. Maybe it's just that you couldn't agree on the same thing.

2. Professional vs Personal

This is the 2 Ps that always comes in my mind, Professional & Personal relationship with the others. Both are important and have to give their own space. Professional relationship is like being respectful, know your level, who the other person is, who you are and what should the other person expect or get from you and what you should give them. Know your boundaries. While on the other hand, for personal relationship it comes from basic human needs like love, connection and belonging. If you don't feel that for him or her then that's fine. Same if you feel like he/she don't feel that way, that's fine too. We don't take personally, if that happened, because professionally, the relationship still exist and we still respect the other person. Know your relationship with the other person, so you can know how to react to him/her.

3. Talk it Out

If let say the situations has come to the need for you to let it out to him/her, let say because they have annoyed you in some ways. Back to the above points, professionally, there always solutions to that, if let say any harm done or harassment, then there must be any rule in place to go through like if it is at work involving your workplace and colleagues, you can always go to your HR or the top management. If it is involved family members, you can bring to your dad for example if it involves your brother. Or any other person that can help. If not, we always have authorities like here in Malaysia we have LPPKN, also known as National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFDB) where they will take action for any harm done that involves family matter. If it is your neighbour then you can report to JKKK, or The Village Development and Security Committees and they will take up to the Police or any authority involves for action to be taken. Hence, know that nothing is unsolvable in this world. Of course first thing first we talk to the person and let him/her know and try to fix the problem domestically before we go to the authority as that would be our last choice. We don't want others came back and saying.. "Ahh.. You go through all this hassle to report just because you tired to feed the cat as your brother doesn't do that huh??" :P

4. Happiness Is Yours

You control your own happiness and you choose what is the outcome over any situations. Most of the time, if it is really other peoples that creating the problem which you cannot think of the reason why for example and can't accept their thinking, you could just walk away if you need to. Don't give them attention, change your focus to other things that matter. It might somehow will improve the situations, who knows. At the end of the day, you and your feeling that matters most.

That's all from me this time and I hope we could all accept the differences, like for me I like that very much. I don't judge people quickly and i just love meeting new peoples, it's like arts to me. All people have different colors and personalities and auras too. All that will make up the beauty of our daily life. Bringing them together, it will create a perfect and colourful world indeed. I wish everyone can see that too. 

Spread love, not hatred. <3

"Just love everyone, I'll sort 'em out later" :p

Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Life in One Year

Peace be upon all of you that may be passing through this lonely blog.. I wish everyone lived their life smoothly yet spiritually to fight against all the hardships that we have to endure.

Grateful to the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, I am now a mother of two sweet boys. A perfect human being that I have and always loved unconditionally.

My deepest, sincerest apology to everyone, not just to my accidental readers, also to myself and my big fan (dearest soul-mate of course) due to my lack of consistency with my passionate dream to write this blog consistently. I don't know if anyone else had ever experienced the same thing as I did and after a year of auto-piloting my life, I decided to come back - and that too because of this terrible situation (locked out because of Covid-19) we all had to face. It is somewhat a blessing in disguise indeed.

Let's start with me trying to summarize everything that has happened in the pass 1 year 20 days to be exact. In terms of my career, I've been going through a rather challenging business adventure, and in terms of personal life, it is all going so well that we have added a family member. I am so blessed with my two sweet sons and a loving husband. During that time, to face all the hardships of life, I am glad that I got a very strong support system like my precious mom, siblings, also my in laws. They all have been the strong backbone that always kept me going. 

Back in February 2019, I was unemployed of my own choice - mainly because of the lousy company management that I have worked with. After that, I have tried to get myself employed again, but it is definitely not an easy thing to do when you have a baby bump even though I was just at an early stage that time. Of course, I have received so many questions from family and friends about why did I resigned from my previous job if I knew I'm with a baby. Did I make any wrong decision? Well, I would answer them again and again, no it is the righteous things to do and I have no regret even if I thought of it more than a hundred times.

I have made a very long list when deciding whether to stay or leave the company. Let's just say I left because of the unstoppable toxic work environment. I feel bad for my boss, he's the one offering me the job in that company. Together, we have made so much progress and improvements. We even had achieved the impossible, but too bad we live in this mirage world where it is hard to satisfy everyone. They'll always find the flaws. Enough of the negativity - as for my dearest boss, I hope he never takes it to his heart because I had never blamed him over things that happened. Honestly, I have been so thankful to him for all the experiences I have gained. Even most of it, is not a favorable one, but I always knew the value of this much of pain and hardship experiences that will forge me into creating the best version of myself in terms of professional work career as well as my personal life. I am so grateful indeed. 

After that, I was employed again as a freelancer - working from home as a call center representative. While performing my job as a freelance, I'm also running my own business (as part time), that time. There are so many ups and downs, in so many perspectives. The business knowledge that I have gained though, has never been better. The precious experience through all difficulties that I have faced - are so life-changing and worth every sweat and tears. The only thing that I may regret is for not being able to spend enough time with my family. I was always busy and had to send my baby to babysitter - even though I am working from home that time.

I am glad to know that my guilt will be repaid soon, as due to Covid19 outbreak, my family is now locked out for 2 weeks (with another 2 week extension). All 4 of us are currently at home, and like everyone else, we're trying to enjoy the priceless family bonding time, despite being alarmed of the deadly outbreak may touch any of us if we're not paying enough attention.

As part time, I did my own business on F&B line - as a retailer. I keep the stock from the suppliers and worked on some minor packaging job. We distribute the goods to our agents to sell. It was really good at the beginning. The revenue collected were so great that allows us into doing the profit sharing with our agents, so not only building up the business for ourselves, we also helped other family to put food on their table too. Unfortunately, it doesn't last until August 2019 as I was so busy with my full time job and I was so pregnant that time, around 34 weeks.

Apart from the need for me to focus on my full time job, we had also decided to stop because of our product of choice is seasonal and does not last long - it has expiry! So my advice for you who want to start doing the part time business their own, try to consider selling products that could last longer and does not have any expiry date. Again, despite anything that had happened, I feel so blessed that with this business I have got so many things covered up and it has definitely helped our family going through the tough time.

As for the freelancing job, it has been almost a year now with the company from the low-level executive into becoming the manager. I have learned a lot in the e-commerce / digital marketing business. I've acquired some skills and had been training myself into paying attention to so many areas, from the tiniest negligence things to the biggest turnover opportunity (for the scales that we're working on). On top of that, it has also given me a new perspective of digital marketing and some general product research knowledge. Products criteria did not control the revenue, it's mostly the other things like marketing, services, offering, etc. Even if you have an almost worthless product, if you have marketed it on the right platform, believe me, you still can get enough sales for that month. Interesting contents and compelling services offering will be one of the biggest factors that will chart your revenue. 

Of course, there are more to that which I am still getting so much to learn. At the moment, I'm one of the people who are being impacted by the Covid-19. Our operation has been stopped significantly looking at the decreased number of sales. Many customers try not to make any contact with the outsiders and the delivery of the parcels to them are almost impossible, despite the government had allowed us the company (E-commerce business) to run as we are considered as essential service providers. Even the courier/shipping companies also still running as usual, but we totally understand that most of the people out there are just concerned and scared over the situations.

As I have so many minor work to do while staying at home this few weeks, here I am trying to make my life productive. Even though I knew I performed an energetic day-to-day activity, and I have taken control on most of the house chores. I manage to re-arrange the furniture, created a reward chart and activity plan for my 6 years old son, cooking for my family, fresh cooking baby food for 4 times a day for my 6 months baby, 'a lot' of online shopping too! Yet, as a person who is taking work seriously before, I always stare at the screens for more than 8 hours a day. I feel bad to proclaim, but, I had also brought back home the office work too. Therefore, my guilt has asked me to take proactive action on career wise - which I decided to write and finish up what I have started - or rather continuing it consistently.

Lastly, just to share with you folks out there, here are the list out of wonderful things that I did together  with my family during this locked down due to Covid19. I hope it will help you guys too:
- We played Chess/UNO/Poker cards together
- We ALWAYS eat home cooked only
- We play and sing our favourite song together
- We have our schedules in tact especially to young ones so his academic would have been continued as usual even-though school is closed
- We do things that we unable to do before like playing arts creating octopus from paper plate, and we even try out making slime which we all end up failed in this area.
- My baby learn to speak well and can already say few words when he's just 7 months old!!
- As a working muslim mom, hardly we pray together before but right now we could do that and try to do more than only 1 time a day - such a blessings that our son is now can recite some quran verses very well too

Well I'm pretty sure there are plenty more activities to do than that. That's it from me for now. Until my next post, I leave with this quotes for all of you beautiful people.

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

Life consists of two days, one for you, one against you. So when it's for you, don't be proud or reckless, and when it's against you be patient, for both days are test for you.”
(Imam Ali AS)
Wallahu'alam. Thanks very much.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chickenpox Son at First Trimester

I have come across this video where a famous little girl was talking about how important vaccination is and how it will save us from a lot of disease include chickenpox. It is amusing to see the 5 years old wise girl who warned people on how bad the chickenpox disease is as she has described it to be so scary.

Well, there is a lot to touch from the 1 minute video, I choose not to go into detail of vaccination or even the chicken pox itself. I am sure we all can find a lot of articles which tells you more than enough what you need to know about child immunization and all. But it is just how coincidence it is, that my son was just being diagnosed with chickenpox while on the other hand I am still on my first trimester of my second pregnancy.

My son is a healthy 5 years old boy and we had never skipped compulsory vaccination suggested by the Ministry of Health. We were just planning to have him Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine this year, unfortunately it was too late that he already got them. However, someone told me and I also have read it somewhere that there's still a chance for a kid to get infected, despite being vaccinated.

Below quote can be found at Varicella Q&A:

Although some vaccinated children (about 2%) will still get chickenpox, they generally will have a much milder form of the disease, with fewer blisters (typi- cally fewer than 50), lower fever, and a more rapid recovery. The vaccine almost always prevents against severe disease.
So, I would like to advise those who wanted to get the Varicella vaccination for themselves/ children/ families/ relatives to please do so. Not having the second thought on such important matter. I am lucky that my son has lower fever, but the very bad blisters he was having are really suffocating for me to see. It is true as what Fatimah from the video describes it as the chickenpox disease is a scary one.

Moreover, as a mother, having to see the son suffering from the itchiness of the blister rash, the pain when taking his bath (he has to take this medication bath to make the blisters subsides) while unable to hold him really make me feel bad. As I am just 11 weeks pregnant and still within the first trimester, the doctor had advised me not to be near my son while he is still suffering from chickenpox. It is so sad to see him crying out of pain, but not able to comfort him and put him in my arms. He was screaming when my husband tried to put the calamine lotion all over his body. I can see how my cool son has lost it when it is beyond his pain endurance. Another 1 week to face this is too much in my calculation.

I dedicated this post especially to all mothers out there to try to make the right decision for yourself and the one you loved. Like for me, I had never imagined myself to be in this situation, but I know everything happened for a reason. I have a very responsible husband. I trust he will and always be able to take care of everything and I am convinced that this difficult situation we are facing is a temporary situation. Hence, I always feel grateful and we had promised ourselves that we will always give the best for my son and my unborn baby.

Life Lesson 2, Everything Happens For A Reason.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

My Trip to Houston Texas & Life Lesson 1

In this post, I would like to take myself to when I was in one of the journey I have made during my young adult time. I was just around 23 years old, female, and that was my first time travelling so far away from home. It is exactly 15,921 km distance between where I left my family and friends to the destination. It was my very first experience catching a flight, making a long journey. I have never felt so excited and scared at the same time, before. The travel that requires me to be away for almost 10 weeks at a place where I have never been to, seems difficult for me to unravel.

I've met some companions along my journey during the transit in Doha International Airport, which happen to be my future colleagues, at that time. There are six of us, all coming from Asia, travelling to Houston, Texas, USA. We are supposed to be trained as an offshore personnel working as Field Geophysicist on-board any fleet that we will be assigned to.

Upon reaching Houston, it was still winter and the weather is nothing compared to where I was from. February temperature in that part of the world is so cold and humid to my Asian body type. I remember being fetched by our supervisor and he took us to Alta Royal Oaks Apartment where we had stayed for 2 months.

The total travelling time was exactly 23 hours and at that moment, I haven't realized that I will have more of this kind of journey as I have ventured into being an International Traveler for another 3 to 4 years. There I was attending class during my 8 to 5 working hours at the office. Learning, studying and preparing for the cause. While at the same time, socializing with all good people around me. It wasn't hard, but it was also not an easy one either. 

This life changing experience that I had really had brought me into being such an open minded person. I remember how I always felt like being sent away alone that had kept me in between the positive and the negative arguments between my-old-self and everything with it against my-new-self and also everything that comes with it. To keep them in balance, to really make sure that I will not let myself astray is definitely not an effortless task. 

I would have listed down all the arguments that I had, the challenges I have faced, and all the happiness, regrets that I may have also had, but I would rather not. Hence, I had chosen to cherish all the good and positive outcome from it and learn from the past experience which I know that was what had brought me to where I am right now. Life lesson no. 1 that I could point out from this life adventure that I had and of course there should be more to it, but this gem that I have kept as my principle is this;

"A failure is not a loss. It's a gain. You learn. You change. You grow. - Anonymous"

It is true enough that I have never scared to make mistakes. Because I know that there are so much that I could learn from it, I will change and I will always grow.

Monday, February 25, 2019

2019 Bucket List Checked

To continue this blog after such a long time.. To have the liberty to access to this account again after such trials.. I am so grateful..

I've read all of my previous post, almost got me to re-write everything and amend some of the posts but I'm letting my past pass through this.. A little bit about myself after almost a decade missing.. 

Well, now I am a mother (to my precious son), a wife (to my very supportive reader, of course), a daughter, a sister and a friend to those wonderful people around me. I have always believed that I have gone through a lot in this life and never tired of getting more of it. I love travel, in fact, that is my dream, to travel without limit, and carefree, discover new places, exploring every corner of the earth, whether it's flat or round I’m sure at some point I’ll landed where it should be. I am an easy going person, love to make friends and sometime choosy at it as I believe there are a lot of fake people in this world.

Why do I ever think of starting to write - again?

It has started almost 10 years from the day I wrote this, I had always travelled and alone in the other part of the world. My interest to write, to share the stories has never been growing larger than ever. There are so much that I’m thinking of, that I want to share with the world. Some stories are great ones to share, while some stories are not but for the benefit of life experiences. Some were for my pasts and some were for my future. I have been keeping this interest of mine in that bucket list long enough that I feel like bursting, hence back to this nostalgic platform. I hope it is the right decision for me to do so. I have a dream that one day I want to put this life story of mine in a book. Because I know I have gone through that “Bilbo Baggins’ @hobbits adventure” of mine last few years and that’s what have become who I am now and me willing to pursue for far more challenging life ahead, I have to keep writing. That’s what I kept telling myself and here I am.. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Say it, then Do it..

Bismillahi Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim..

Assalamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullahhiwabarakaatuh..


I'm so tired of Facebook, and I'm so tired of Twitter, though I'm not actively using it as a field to express my feeling, It's more than enough for me to say that I've had enough.. Just by seeing all the posts.. All the comments.. which I found some of them are really annoying.. or even worst hurt other's feeling.. Those with full of sentiments, those with not so great make-face picture or even the low-morality one.. (I wonder if I have ever posted something that has made people go sick, but not to what I remember at least)

Seriously, there are just too many hypocrites in this life.. you heard me right.. hypocrites.. u, u, u, n me me me.. all we are.. We've said something, but we're not following them.. We give advice, but we're not using them, We've promised, but we're breaking them, we've told other people about good thing but we're doing something bad. Na'udzubillah.

Have we thought about getting back on the right track? If we do then we're just one step closer towards our own success.. Do not care about other people.. They are not responsible for who we are, what we did and whatever comes after this. It is we who decide, and the impact will be with us as well..

Let's us hand-in-hand.. (mahram only) together, towards being honest with ourselves first.. Then, to other people.. It is to our own-selves that suppose to matter most for us. Because if we're not being honest to ourselves, then how do we trust ourselves and if we don't trust ourselves, how do we ever gonna be confident with ourselves therefore effectively giving advice and saying something good to other people. Yep, if not, we're just like the others, words with nothing. Even we put up some good word, it is just a word in writing.. Not the words that can go into the heart, that can change into action.



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why twee?

Why twee_lovestruck? childish of me still living somewhere inside myself.. sometime it takes control over everything.. once in a while i come into thinking, well why twee? n why lovestruck? did i get struck by love all the time?

protecting myself from been looked down from my other-selves..

From WordWeb:-

Twee means Affectedly dainty or refined, while Lovestruck  is like being lovestruck which is non-medical term used to describe mental and physical symptoms associated with falling in love..

That was by wording, and from my my own-selves, twee is like a short-form of tweety, my favorite cartoon character of all time..  while lovestruck is just the fact that i love tweety so much.. I've been using this name since I was 13. I still remember how I used to carve my desk with tweety faces. LOL on my childishness which I found it very amusing.

The fact of being a woman. Earning. Living well. Gonna have my own family, often leave me putting a bar on my other childish-selves.. Well, someone said "what's wrong of being childish if you're not immature" :) I  still don't get it but at least i know my childishness gonna make me stay younger while my maturity makes me wiser..

Unalike Love of the Earth

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh (Malay Language writing for arabic translated English  Peace be upon you, as well as the me...