Monday, April 11, 2011

On My Journey to South Africa

April 11, 2011 - Changi, SG
Extraordinarily, my 1 hour 10 mins flight from Subang to Singapore was filled with me ended up reading a book I just bought @Subang.. It's just not me.. I mean.. I like to read but not like this.. well I can say I just changed now.. In a good way I suppose.. hey there.. happy for me.. next plan.. to get a mini library in my very own house.. hahaha!

anyway, upon reaching I was clueless.. but now.. I can say I know every corner (well not quite but at least there's a lot of sign here and there) in this airport.. nice and different from other Airport I visited like......... compare to maybe 10 other airports that I had visited in this one year.. (yes, I travel a lot.. right dear.. and u suffer a lot.. huhuhuhu)

anyway, good thing there's malay language here and there so at least I can understand everything rather than have to look into dictionary for some unfamiliar English (I used to do that in Heathrow Airport, London when they use other word for Chapel.. can't remember the word though.. T_T") anyhow.. this free internet cafe for passenger.. (even we have to stand and getting 15 mins free per session) OK.. I already use like 4 session already.. come on.. they playing Terminator 1 on movie theater (free admission of course) and it's so boring!! =p

Wonder what I'm gonna do for the next few hours.. I got like 2 hours more before I can go to the gate.. anyway~ tata.. that's it for now! =)) next stop! Johannesburg here I come.. huhuhuhu..

p/s: Singapore's nice.. so do *some* Singaporean~

1 comment:

  1. Heh, small library? A must dear.

    Sumtime it is good for us, to be apart from each other. I mean, by that time, we will regret of the things that we have done wrong. And, wish that we wouldn't done that. So, that when we see each other, we wouldn't repeat the same mistake.

    Right dear? :D



Unalike Love of the Earth

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh (Malay Language writing for arabic translated English  Peace be upon you, as well as the me...